
What is the connection between emotions and physical health?

There is extensive research showing that the nervous system and the immune system are continuously communicating with each other.  Some research suggests that about 90 percent of all physical problems have emotional roots.  This can look like a multitude of things; irritable bowel symptoms, low immunity, chronic diseases cardiovascular disease and more. We have found many people do not realize that emotions trigger the release of hormones throughout your body.  These hormones include adrenaline, noradrenaline, endorphins, glucocorticoids, growth hormones and more.  The hormone released are known to influence how you respond to stress, are susceptible to diseases such as the common cold, autoimmune diseases and cancer.  What does this have to do with therapy?

Many health issues cause symptoms of depression and anxiety.  Working with you and your physician can assure we are doing all we can to help you obtain and maintain optimal health.  In daily practice, we always review client’s health history and symptoms and in most cases recommend a full physical with blood work for clients each year.  You would be amazed how many people come in with symptoms of depression and when they go to their primary care physician for a physical, we find common themes such as vitamin D deficiencies, thyroid issues, hormone issues and more.  While we still want to work on dealing with mental health symptoms, clients usually feel physically better once their physical issues are dealt with.  It is also important to understand that mental health issues can also trigger physiological issues.  For example, ways some people cope with stress such as overeating, drinking, not exercising, not taking care of their bodies, etc. all impact physical health.  Assessing overall well being puts clients on a positive pathway for overall success.

It is important for us to rule out physiological causes of your symptoms.  We take getting you the most accurate diagnosis seriously.  Can you imagine being in therapy for several months or years, not feeling like you are making as much progress as you want?  We want you to get the best comprehensive care possible.  It is understandable that going to your physician to test for physiological causes of your symptoms can be inconvenient.  However, we have seen physiological causes of mental health symptoms to be present in a quarter of our clients.  This helps you feel better faster.  Don’t stress, we will work with you to help you through this process.  We want you to feel good inside and out!

Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations

Did you know that people go to therapy to improve their communication skills?

Communication plays a big part in mental health. Learning how to identify your thoughts and feelings can be difficult, communicating them can be even more difficult.

We like this article that lays out step by step tips for communicating. It can be useful to bring articles such as this into therapy to help identify where you feel you need more help with communication.

Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations – By Judy Ringer

Why drinking more water can change your life

Though we are made up of so much more, our bodies are made of mostly H2O; 72% to be exact. Ever notice yourself having a hard time waking up in the morning, or feeling fatigued?  We spend an average of 8 hours without drinking anything while we are sleeping, so we are already waking up dehydrated! Dehydration can cause headaches, bad breath, twitching muscles, muscle fatigue, hunger pains, digestive issues, high blood pressure, wrinkles, acne, bloating, weight gain, a number of heath concerns, and cognitive delays.

Without getting too ‘sciency’ there is a basic balance of sodium and H2O in our bodies; the more sodium, the more our body retains water (causing bloating). Once you drink more than that threshold, our bodies expel H2O in the form of urine, creating an equilibrium. If you are someone who craves salty snacks, this is an indicator that your body is trying to tell you it needs more water. In most cases when we crave certain foods, its our bodies way of telling us we are lacking something. Most of the time if you drink water, that craving will dissipate. And no, drinking pop or other juices is not a significant source of hydration. These drinks have additives, sugars, and sodium, which contribute to the dehydration process. The best way to get your water intake is to be conscious of your drinking choices.

Why is this relevant from a mental health stand point? When our bodies are fatigued, our minds take over with anxious thoughts and an increase in depressed mood due to lack of motivation. Our brains try to understand what our body is telling us, but without the understanding of what our bodies are telling us, our brains think something is wrong and we are no longer able to think or do what we once could.

Finding simple ways to start getting more H2O without completely changing your lifestyle can significantly increase your mood and overall health and well being.

Here are some helpful hints and tricks to start trying:

  1. The recommended amount of water intake per person is  a simple calculation. Drink ½ of your body weight converted in to ounces. (i.e. If you weigh 150lbs, you should be drinking at least 75 oz of water a day).
  2. Start every day with a full glass of water, 10-20 oz.
  3. Drink a glass of water with every meal, 10-20 oz.
  4. When you notice a food craving, drink a glass of water and wait about 10 minutes.
  5. Drink water during your workout.

Talk with your mental health and primary care providers regarding any mental/physical fatigue.

By: Amanda Thompson, MS. Ed., LPCC-S